Monday, October 25, 2010

CO Challenge #30 ~ Creepy

(karmiva in Finnish)

Big Ben bell's already tolled midnight in London, so it's time to publish a new challenge. And Halloween coming up, so this challenge must be something scary and eery!

Use this painting from 17th century, the lovely Burgfräulein von Strechau. Or express the word "creepy" some how in your collage. Or use both, a photo and a word. Word don't have to show up in your collage.

Post your creation to your blog or other website and leave a comment with a link to your collage.

I can't wait to see your creations.

(Click the image larger and save it to your computer, print it or use digitally. The image is public domain, so you can freely use it also with your other creations).

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Co Challenge # 29 Man

("Mies" in Finnish)

These weeks CO challenge word is very simple: “Man”.

Use the image or/and the word. The word “Man” doesn’t have to show up in your collage.

Post your creation to your blog or other website and leave a comment with a link to your collage.

Can’t wait to see your men!

(Click image to enlarge it and then save it to your computer: Print it or work digitally. The image is public domain, so you can freely use it also with your other creations.)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

CO Challenge # 28 Corset

(Korsetti in Finnish)

Big Ben bell's already tolled midnight in London, so it's time to publish a new challenge.

Use the vintage photo of beautiful ladies with corsets. Or express the word "corset" some how in your collage. Or use both, a photo and a word. Word don't have to show up in your collage.

Post your creation to your blog or other website and leave a comment with a link to your collage.

I can't wait to see your creations.

(Click the image larger and save it to your computer, print it or use digitally. The image is public domain, so you can freely use it also with your other creations).

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Collage Obsession Challenge # 27 ~ Nightmare

"Painajainen" in Finnish)

Let’s see some nightmares. What is your nightmare? The challenge image is William Adolphe Bouguereau’s painting Dante and Virgil in Hell (1850) and the word is “Nightmare”.

Use the image or/and the word. The word “Nightmare” doesn’t have to show up in your collage.

Post your creation to your blog or other website and leave a comment with a link to your collage.

Can’t wait to see your nightmares!

(Click image to enlarge it and then save it to your computer: Print it or work digitally. The image is public domain, so you can freely use it also with your other creations.)