("kulunut" in Finnish)
Big Ben bell's are tolling midnight in London, so it's time to publish the first challenge.
First challenge is a bit gloomy, but don't let that dilute your inspiration. Use the shabby photo of Sarah Bernhardt. Or express the word "worn out" some how in your collage. Or use both, a photo and a word. Word don't have to show up in your collage.
Post your creation to your blog or other website and leave a comment with a link to your collage.
I can't wait to see your creations.
(Click the image larger and save it to your computer, print it or use digitally. The image is public domain, so you can freely use it also with your other creations).
Post your creation to your blog or other website and leave a comment with a link to your collage.
I can't wait to see your creations.
(Click the image larger and save it to your computer, print it or use digitally. The image is public domain, so you can freely use it also with your other creations).
Oh my, finally. I've been waiting this moment...
ReplyDeleteHere is my first entry.
How very exciting! I have to put my creative cap on!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I'm adding your button to my blog!
Hi, thanks for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteHere's mine:
Worn Out
Hi all.
ReplyDeleteHere is mine, thanks for looking.
My first
Gayle's Art-CLICK HERE
ReplyDeleteHello everyone,
ReplyDeleteThis challenge was such fun!
I am so sorry I don't know how to make a link yet. If anyone would be so kind to guide me on this:0)
ReplyDeleteKiva haaste
mun tekemä löytyy täältä:
P.s Sori en osannut linkittää paremmin.
Täältä löytyy minun digikorttini.Kiitos uudesta haasteesta!
ReplyDeleteHere is my cigital card.Thanks for new challenge!
I've been waiting this moment too ;) I just got some sleep first.
ReplyDeleteHere ismy entry.
Digikortilla mukaan.
ReplyDeleteHere is my digital card. Thanks!!
Hi everyone! What a great new challenge! My entry is on my blog http://saksetjaliimaa.blogspot.com/2010/01/collage-obsession-1-worn-out-kulunut.html
ReplyDeleteSee you next week!
Thanks for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteHere is my ATC
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ReplyDeleteKiitos kivasta haasteesta! Linkin teko ei näytä onnistuvan, mutta kollaasini löytyy osoitteesta / you find my entry here
Minun kuvani löytyy nimeä klikkaamalla ! Kiitos kivasta uudesta haasteesta Itkupilli ja Elegia !
ReplyDeletehere is my challenge
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHooray! A new challenge to play with. Thanks for the beautiful photo to work with. Here's my entry.
Hieno haaste! Minun tekeleeni löytyy täältä
ReplyDeleteOhhh this is exciting!! Here are my two...
Dear Kirsi,
ReplyDeleteI combined the 'Gothic Arches' Shabby Chic challenge with your Collage Obsession theme and came up with a 100% non-gloom, 100% all WORN OUT obsession.
My entry is on my blog,thanks for looking.
This was a great idea.
ReplyDeleteMy entry is on my blog.
I will read your instructions to make the link!!!
Thank you for the challenge and for the great picture.
Wonderful! I'd like to participate in this challenge. It will be my first challenge ---EVER! When is the art work due? I'm assuming ASAP or before next Monday. LOL! Does anyone know? (Thanks in advance)
ReplyDeleteOh, that would be so great, if you participate. Actually there is not really due, but if you want your work to be noticed, it's better make it before next challenge.
I'm looking for your creation! :)
Thank you so much, Itkupilli! I will get to work on it tonight! Congratulations to you and Elegia for setting up this wonderful site/challenge!
ReplyDeleteHere's my entry,
ReplyDeleteI am still a newbie at digital
Here is my entry.
Here's my worn out sarah
ReplyDelete<a href="http://verdanaversalia.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteOh no, I could link it correctly. But I got pretty close @_@
ReplyDeletekolmas kerta toden sanoo, ehkä.
ReplyDeletetässä osoite ilman lisä sekoiluja:
My card:
Thank you both for this great challenge site! I love challenges :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the linking explanation so I can try now :
Tämä blogi onkin kiva idea ja hauska seurata mitä haasteista syntyy, kaikkea erilaista tietenkin. Mukavaa kun on tällainenkin haasteblogi. Seurailen vaikken itse tee tällaisia.
ReplyDeleteHello there,
ReplyDeleteOk, you post your word and image on Mondays..what's the deadline for having our collage posted and leave you a comment?? I love this...just want to make sure I know how much time I have. :0) Some weeks I don't seem to have time for anything but spin in a circle..hehe
Drop by my blog if you want to and leave me an answer or just leave it in this topic and I'll check back.
Scatter Bliss..
ReplyDeleteNo kiva, etta kayt seuraamassa, vaikka et itse osallistuisikaan, vaikkakin voisit ihan hyvin, kollaasinhan voi tehda perinteisesti paperille ja sitten skannata se, sa ainakin osaat piirtaa hyvin, joten mieti viela, ehkapa voit osallistuakin. ;)
There is no time limit, but if you want viewers, it's better make the creation and post it before the new challenge comes next Monday.
I peeked to your blog and I'm sure you could make something fabulous with this challenge.
It's a fantastic Idea
ReplyDeleteHere is my participation for this first Challenge http://fairyscrap.over-blog.com/article-collage-obsession-challenge-1-worn-out-43273349.html
I'm adding your button to my blog
Kiva kokeilla tätä uutta haastetta, vaikka kielitaito onkin vajavainen. Kiitos haasteesta, linkissäni näet oman aikaansaannokseni tai muunnelman :)Thanks for looking!
ReplyDeleteI thought I would make a second submittal and take a shot at a digital collage....... lots to learn...
ReplyDeletePoor SARAH She's so worn out...
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ReplyDeleteMy First Entry
ReplyDeleteWhat fun this has been! Thank you and congratulations on the launching of your new blog!
ReplyDeleteHere is my entry!
late, but I hope not too late,
ReplyDeletehere is my entry
HI,my entry is on my blog
Congratulations with your new blog and thanx for looking!
Kiitos uudesta kivasta haasteesta, here is my image :-)
ReplyDeleteHi, thank you for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteHere is my entry
So glad to see this challenge. Here is mine:
And here's mine.
ReplyDeleteHi! Thanks for the wonderful image. Here's mine:
ReplyDeleteArt Journal
My entry is the 2nd one on my blog.
Was going to do it "traditionally" cut and paste, but here it is with Photoshop at the end...
This looks like a very nice challenge!
ReplyDeleteHere you can see my first entry.
Love this picture, had fun working on it.
ReplyDeleteHere is mine
Here is mine worn out by Evil Edna
...Löysin tämän ihanuus haasteen ;)
ReplyDeletetulen mukaan tottakai :)
hello here is Caramelle. My first participation on this forum.
ReplyDeleteYou can see my réa on my blog
bye bye
My ATC is here, thanks for this challenge.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first creation ever.
Hi, I'm so glad I have found you, loved the challenge this week great fun for a newbie.
ReplyDeleteHeres my entry
have fun everyone
ju x
I love this challenge, and all the entries are fantastic.
ReplyDeletemy Worn Out entry.
Wow, this is fab! Here is a link to my blog:- http://vintagebunty.blogspot.com/2010/01/collage-obsession-challenge-no-1.html
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming up with this challenge blog - it's a great idea!
Here is my digital card !
This is my first entry in a challenge. Thank you for creating this site!
ReplyDeletegreat challenge !! my entry is here :
Oh j'adore, c'est vraiment très très beau.
Here is my participation :
the subject inspired me!! Thank you...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I've taken part in a challenge, my apologies if its not up to everyone elses lovely standards.
ReplyDeleteDon't know how to make a proper link either but you can see it on my blog here:
ReplyDeletePhew!! Just made it! This is a wonderful challenge! Thank you. I have added your button to my blog as well.
Thank you for peeking in!
Thanks for the challenge
ReplyDeleteHere is my entryhttp://planetecreations.canalblog.com/archives/2010/01/24/16648533.html
I only found your blog this week so missed the first challenge. I loved the image so much I have used it for The Three Muses challenge. Hope this is ok with you both.
ReplyDeleteDigital collage of Sarah Bernhardt
daisy xx
thank you for creating this place! xo!!
ReplyDeletehere is my my first entry.
Thank you for those nice words about my first collage!
ReplyDeleteHere comes my next one.
I'm late but here my digital collage!